Huawei Opens Preorders For The New Matebook Line In The U.S.

Here at GoGoDadget, we’ve only been about reviews for parents and everyday users who are less worried about specs and more interested in how technology can impact their busy everyday lives. But that doesn’t mean we can’t cover some news once in a while, and when a brand I’ve really enjoyed reaches out with some…

REVIEW: The Kobo Aura & Aura One Get Different Things Right

Why don’t I read hard copies anymore? Because I have to carry so many other things, including by not limited to: toy trains, diapers, water cups, snacks, dry clothes, and more. Let me put it like this, guys… I just finished reading Stephen King’s IT for the first time. That’s a 1000+ page book that…

REVIEW: The LG G6 Is More Than Just A Screen

I’ll never judge another parent for what they do to calm, entertain, or settle a child. That includes those folks’ who refuse to give their kids gadgets. If that works for you, awesome. If it doesn’t and you hand your kids your iPhone when they’re fighting in the backseat, that’s awesome too. Whatever floats your…

REVIEW: The Moto G5 Plus Is The Budget Phone You’re Looking For

Sometimes, as a parent, you just can’t afford something top-of-the line, even though you’d really like to. Kids come first and all of that, which is fine — don’t take this for griping. It’s especially fine when it comes to smartphones, because they all pretty much do the same thing. But what if I told…

QUICK REVIEW: The NOMAD Leather iPhone 7 Plus Case Beats Apple’s

I’m a huge fan of Apple’s Leather iPhone 7 Plus case. It’s beautiful, it wears nicely, it adds a good grip — all things to look for in a phone case. It’s just too bad it’s expensive and doesn’t fully protect your phone. That’s where the NOMAD Leather iPhone 7 Plus case steps in. It…

REVIEW: Logitech Ultrathin Touch Mouse T630 Gets The Job Done

Full disclosure: my everyday machine is a MacBook Pro from 2015. One of the 13 inch versions, middle-of-the-road specs, and it gets the job done. I’m mostly using it to browse and write, and sometimes my wife uses it to work on photo editing in Photoshop when she would prefer to work from the couch…

QUICK REVIEW: The NOMAD Universal Cable Is The Best Cable

There’s nothing worse than knowing you have the cable you need, but not knowing exactly where it is — and when you reach into your cable/junk drawer to find what you’re looking for, you get faked out by all the other tangled up cables. NOMAD has solved part of this issue. I guess if you lose…

REVIEW: The Amazon Echo Dot (2nd Generation) Is Neat… But Worth It?

I had been eyeing the Amazon Echo for a while, but couldn’t swing the near-$200 price tag for something I — and the household — didn’t really need. Nobody actually needs this. It is cool though, and it lights up like a tiny stationary robot with a gentle voice. I just wish all technology would be in the…