Should You Wait For The iPhone X Or Just Go 8 Plus?

TL;DR: I pre-ordered the iPhone 8 Plus. The iPhone X, even though my FOMO is raging hard, is too expensive and too risky.  I have a real problem you guys: I love technology, but there’s nothing I love more than phones. There’s just something incredible about having a super computer in your pocket at all…

Nomad’s USB Charging Hub Puts A Stop To Hunting For Outlets

TL;DR: The Nomad USB Charging Hub is beautifully designed, discreet, and solves the issue of finding outlets or power strips for all your gear. Still, a tight fit for fingers and using the hub with a external battery holds the device back from perfection. The Nomad USB Charging Hub is a solution to a problem…

Huawei Watch 2 Is An Extremely Worthy Successor

TL;DR: The Huawei Watch 2 shines when used with an Android device. At no fault of its own, the Huawei Watch 2 on iOS, however, is plagued by connectivity issues.  My Pebble Time is dead. This has left a gaping hole in my heart, because I had been a huge fan of Pebble since I…

Build Computers With Your Daughter. (Kano Review)

TL;DR: Kano Computing has created a build-your-own computer kit that’s incredibly fun, empowering, and important for all ages. It’s priced right and worth every penny. I’m trying this new thing where I put a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) at the top of GoGoDadget reviews and posts because yeah, I get it — sometimes a…

Huawei Opens Preorders For The New Matebook Line In The U.S.

Here at GoGoDadget, we’ve only been about reviews for parents and everyday users who are less worried about specs and more interested in how technology can impact their busy everyday lives. But that doesn’t mean we can’t cover some news once in a while, and when a brand I’ve really enjoyed reaches out with some…